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Monstera Adansonii - Chapter 1, New Journey

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog!

So, on this topic, I want to share with you my new journey with Monstera Adansonii. Monstera Adansonii is in the same family as Monstera Deliciosa, which is called Araceae Family. But, I look at them not as much like a Monstera because the leaves size is very small compared to Monstera Deliciosa. So, I always think of them the same as a money plant that is easy to care for and has a fast growth rate.

Well, to be honest, I have had my eyes on Monstera Adansonii Albo. But the price is very high for me and the thought that the leaves are so small kept me thinking. But the urge to own one is really big. Unfortunately, for me to own one, I need to make a tough decision to sell one of my Monstera Albo (picture below). So, I did it by posting it on one of the private groups on Facebook called "Malaysia Plant Sales", which I received a lot of hits which I am very surprised.

To be honest, I never thought I did very well with my Monstera as I thought everyone was doing as well as I did. And I have also received many private messages complimenting my Monstera Albo asking for tips on how to care for them. So, I just told them I already shared everything I know and what I did in one of my posts called "Tips for Caring your Monstera Deliciosa". I hide no secrets as I am no expert, I just read a lot and learnt a lot through my own experience, and I think it is nice to share what I know out there, hoping I could help others. Long story short, after two days I posted to sell my Monstera Albo, someone has finally sealed a deal. I sold it to a very nice gentleman who shares the same hobby as I do and I am pleased to let him have it.

At the same time, the responses and comments from the Facebook community triggered me to write and share my journey about how I care for all my plants. So, here I am writing this article, hoping that people could benefit from what I have experienced instead of hitting the same walls I did.

Finally, I own one Monstera Adansonii Albo as you can see from the picture here. To be honest, I am scared that I will kill it! But at the same time, I am also thrilled to learn about this plant. Based on what I have read, the plant needs the same soil type as Monstera Deliciosa, and that is a huge relief for me because I am very confident that the soil I use for all my Monsteras is the best, in my opinion. So, I am going to use the same soil. But, I have no experience to care for Adansonii, how much water it needs, how much light it requires, how do I know about the plant anatomy and how to propagate them.

So, to know more about the Adansonii plant, I decided to buy a normal green Monstera Adansonii. From there, I can't cut, pull the leaves off, try multiple types of rooting methods for propagation, and use different soil types to see what will suit the plant best. This is the same approach I did for Monstera Deliciosa, which I started from the green Monstera, then moved to Monstera Thai Constellations and then to Monstera Albo. I am not going to lie here, I killed some normal green Monstera and some Thai Constellation before getting to where I am now with Monstera Albo.

That all for today, guys. In the next chapter, I will share with you how I repot this new Adansonii, which is currently in sphagnum moss with many roots visible at the bottom. But I will keep it for 2-3 days allowing it to adapt to the new environment before it can tolerate another shock when I report it. So, stay tuned, guys. I will also be doing a video when I am repoting this new baby.

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